How long does it take for my order to arrive?

It will depend on your location, but our standard shipping may take up
to 7 business days. (A shipment to the UK will be expected to take longer than
7 days due to Brexit. See Delivery & Return for more information.

Where do you ship?

Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, Monaco, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom,
Norway, Switzerland.

See Delivery & Return for the shipping costs

Which delivery options can I choose?

We partner up with FedEx for delivery.

What should I do if I receive a damaged item?

Please contact us by
email (support@coyomistore.com), our team will care of your return.

Do I have to pay for the return?

No, COYOMI Store offers free returns in UK and Europe

When will I receive my refund?

We process all returns within 14 days of receiving
them. We will notify you once it’s done by email. Please note that the refunds
may take up to 10 days to credit on your bank account, it depends on your card

Do I have to pay for additional tax and duty?

Yes. If you order outside EU, you may be subject to tax and duty. You will be responsible for payment of any such import duty and tax, we have no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. For further information, please contact your local customs office before placing
your order.

Can I exchange the item?

No. We advise you to place a new order and request us to return your existing order.

Can I buy at a physical store?

Unfortunately, we are not selling our products at a
physical store at the moment.

How much tax & duty will I be charged?

For UK orders, you can see how much you’ll be charged at checkout if your order is below 135 gbp. If your order is above 135 gbp, you’ll be charged by FedEx on behalf of your local office upon delivery so we can’t estimate how much these charges may be. All orders will be shipped from the Netherlands. Please contact your local custom office for more information.

Is your question not on here?

Please contact us (support@coyomistore.com).
We are always happy to help you.